Finnish Association of Architects(SAFA)--芬兰建筑师协会



  Finnish Association of Architects (SAFA) is a non-profit, professional organization open to all architects with a university degree from a Finnish university or equivalent qualification from another country. SAFA has approximately 3 000 members. This accounts for under 80 % of all Finnish architects with a university degree. Membership is voluntary, and is not a condition for practising in the profession. In Finland no registration is required. SAFA has also approx. 500 student members.

  The primary aim of all SAFA activities is to promote the quality of the built environment. At the national level, SAFA endeavours to influence legislation by presenting SAFA opinion in the form of statements and conducting discussions with politicians and various public authorities. Together with other organizations in the building sector, SAFA has defined the scope of work for architectural design. It also supervises professional standards and ethics among its members.