The modern evolution and protection development strategies of the national rural settlement: The Dong Ethnic group as case study

期刊:Advanced Materials Research ISSN:10226680 , 年:2012 . 卷:368-373   页码:3311-3319

语种: English 


会议名称: 4th International Conference on Technology of Architecture and Structure, ICTAS 2011

会议时间: September 22, 2011 - September 24, 2011 会议地点: Xi'an, China

The Dong rural settlement is an important carrier and manifestation of the national culture. Rapid urbanization has changed the basis for the existence and development of rural settlement in all aspects. This paper summarizes and analyzes the underlying causes of the common trends in space alienation, hollowization, and modernization in the evolution of the Dong rural settlement based on the analysis of several typical cases. From traditional micro-level focus on entity and space to expanded meso- and macro-level focus, this paper builds a three-in-one strategic framework and describes specific strategies for industrial restructuring, social transformation, and space reconstruction geared toward the protection and development of the rural settlement.
Development strategies - Dong nationality - Ethnic groups - Industrial restructuring - Modern evolution - National cultures - Rural settlement - Social transformation - Space reconstruction - Strategic frameworks - Underlying cause
     Cai, L.(
     [1] Department of Architecture, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006, China
     [2] Department of Urban Planning, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou, Guangdong, 510006, China